Ny attack mot AES

Två forskare (Alex Biryukov och Dmitry Khovratovich) på universitet i Luxemburg har hittat ett sätt att forcera AES-256 med hjälp av en komplexitet på 2^119.

Abstract. In this paper we present two related-key attacks on the full AES. For AES-256 we show the rst key recovery attack that works for all the keys and has complexity 2119, while the recent attack by Biryukov-Khovratovich-Nikolic works for a weak key class and has higher

complexity. The second attack is the rst cryptanalysis of the full AES-192. Both our attacks are boomerang attacks, which are based on the recent idea of nding local collisions in block ciphers and enhanced with the boomerang switching techniques to gain free rounds in the middle.

Hela uppsatsen hittas här: https://cryptolux.uni.lu/mediawiki/uploads/1/1a/Aes-192-256.pdf

Jonas Lejon

Om Jonas Lejon

En av sveriges främsta experter inom cybersäkerhet med över 20 års erfarenhet. Frågor? Kontakta mig på: [email protected] eller LinkedIn Twitter

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